Grand Bahama Island sunset with Palm Trees

Posted by: admin | March 23rd, 2020

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, March 20, 2020 — The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation (BMOTA) partnered with the Public Hospitals Authority this week to present a health seminar on novel coronavirus to taxi drivers and local vendors. The session, held at the Freeport Harbour on March 16, was coordinated to share accurate information regarding the virus and provide general safety precautions to take amid growing concerns.

“It is important to remember that coronavirus is not necessarily a death sentence,” Dr. Frank Bartlett, head of the Grand Bahama Coronavirus Task Force, said. “As much as 80% of the persons who have the infection have no symptoms whatsoever and 15% of the cases end up in hospital.”

Bartlett noted that the elderly and individuals with serious chronic illnesses have accounted for most of the recorded

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Posted by: admin | March 16th, 2020

NASSAU, Bahamas, March 16, 2020 – The Bahamas Ministry of Health is working closely with all pertinent government agencies throughout the destination to execute the Bahamas National Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID-19.  At this time, there is one confirmed case of coronavirus in Nassau, The Bahamas. The patient is in isolated quarantine following the guidelines outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Ministry of Health is currently conducting full contact analysis and more details will be shared as they become available.

The Ministry of Health is encouraging preventative measures and protocol to minimize the potential spread of the illness, and The Bahamas implemented new border control and quarantine measures for persons travelling from highly infected areas. Given the growing public

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Posted by: admin | March 12th, 2020

Freeport, Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas – March 11, 2020 – Grand Bahama Island is reporting a renewed interest in its dive offerings since October last year, and is inviting visitors with a passion for diving to come and explore its great reefs and wrecks.

 Ian Rolle, Acting Chairman of the Grand Bahama Island Tourism Board (GBITB), reports that the island and its reefs fared well during Hurricane Dorian. “Three weeks after the hurricane, a crew from UNEXSO, our leading underwater experts, went on an exploratory dive of the reefs stretching along the south shore of the island, from the Grand Lucayan Water Way all the way to Silver Point Reef. At that time, it was discovered that all the reef structures were in standing positions and the wrecks were in the same location and status as before the storm,” noted Rolle.


 Six weeks after the

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