Fishing on Grand Bahama Island

Grand Bahama Island is considered one of the premier destinations in the world for sport fishing. If you’re ready for a good fight, then strap yourself in and prepare to take on a Marlin, Bluefin Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, Bonefish, Wahoo or Barracuda—to name a few. Grand Bahama’s sparkling, clear waters are full of some the most fascinating and diverse marine life in this region. Fishing enthusiasts from around the world travel to the island every year to participate in annual competitions and seasonal expeditions looking to catch “the big one”. Your fishing experience may include deep-sea fishing, fly/bone fishing or reef/line fishing. Bonefish – the island’s number one game fish – is usually found in the flats off Deep Water Cay. Go on an expedition with experienced guides who can show you the best spots to get your catch of the day. If fishing is the main focus of your vacation, we suggest visiting the island between the months of April and September as it is considered the ideal time for fishing.  See Regulations for Fishing in the Bahamas

To book a fishing excursion on Grand Bahama Island, contact the following vendor:

Bone/Fly Fishing

East End Lodge    1-561-354-8005 for Reservations 

Omeko Glinton      [email protected]

H2O Bonefishing    1-954-364-7590

Deep Sea Fishing

Captain Chris     1-242-375-2482

Additional Fishing and Marine interaction experiences:

Paradise Cove, Deadman’s Reef 

West End Ecology Tours